Press Release: On Puntland Democratization Process

Press Release Date: August 30, 2021

Garowe – As a long time contributor and a cornerstone for peace, state-building, and democratization, PDRC is deeply depressed by the declaration made by most of Puntland’s political associations on August 28 to postpone the early local elections which were scheduled to take place in the three districts of Eyl, Ufeyn and Qardho on October 25, 2021.

PDRC believes that this move could undermine the trust and hope which the people of Puntland have been hosting over the past 23 years, as well as the support of the international community for the democratization process. Therefore, PDRC calls on the political associations in Puntland to take into account the will and aspirations of the people and participate in the early elections scheduled for October 25 in the three districts. Complaints, weaknesses and criticisms can be addressed and well-managed during the election process. We also call on the Puntland Government to take the lead in the implementation of the democratization process, fulfil its commitment and complete the ongoing work.

PDRC commends the solid work so far accomplished by the Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission [TPEC].

PDRC also commends the technical and financial support which the International Community continues to provide this process and calls on them to continue this support throughout the democratization process.

PDRC is always committed to contribute to, and advocate for, the state-building, peace and democratization process in Puntland.

All Praise is due to Allaah!


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